Professional Development Seminars
Interactive & Online Seminars
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Professional Development Specialist
Kiki Michelle, LLC.
Brief List of Training
Child Development Associate (120 Hours)
Educators will learn how to provide early care for infants, toddlers, preschool and family childcare. They will learn how to teach cognitive, physical and analytical skills to equip their students with tools needed to be successful.
Child Abuse…What Is It? (2 Hours)
This training will focus on recognizing what child abuse is, how to combat it, and the responsibilities of mandated reporters. Participants will gain an awareness of the different ways Child Abuse manifests itself.
Child Development Associate Renewal, 45 Hours
Training consists of 45 Hours of content specific to the Renewal of the Child Development Associate Certification.
Child Sexual Abuse....How To Spot It? (2 Hours)
The Child Sexual Abuse...How to Spot It? seminar is imperative for each Early Childhood Educator to have. Seminar participants are informed on the signs of Sexual Abuse, as it presents in Children, and how to exercise their roles as Mandated Reporters.
Children At Play (2 Hours)
Children At Play is a seminar which explains how the children learn as they play. Seminar attendees will be encouraged to promote learning opportunities through play.
Disability, Special Needs, and Inclusion (2 Hours)
Educators will learn how to define, recognize, and offer additional ways to be inclusive when they interact with children within the Disability, Special Needs and Inclusion umbrella. The educators will learn how to adjust their schedules and tasks to fit the needs of Disabled, Special Needs, and all children the learning environment.
Early Reading Readiness (3 Hours)
Each early learner in our classrooms have an innate ability to learn. The "Early Reading Readiness" Seminar is designed to assist the educators to assist the children on their individual levels to embrace early reading.
FCCLH Pre-Service Course (10 Hours)
All initial Family Child Care Learning Home (FCCLH) applicants must submit evidence of having obtained pre-service training as required by the rule described below. DECAL provides for providers serving children in a licensed family childcare home setting, must complete (290-2-3-.04(2)(b)) Pre-Service Training.
Gender Sensitivity in the Classroom (2 Hours)
Differences of Gender and Sex and its impact on children in the learning environment. Recognizing biases as it relates to preconceived notions of how children learn and develop. Social & Emotional Development and the impact on behavior will be discussed.
Health and Safety Orientation Training - 10 Hours
CCDF Health & Safety Orientation Training - 10 Hours. Health & Safety Orientation class which also includes 10 hours of training on disease control, cleanliness, basic hygiene, illness detection, illness disposition and childhood injury control; and identifying, reporting, and meeting the needs of abused, neglected or deprived children, and child development.
HIV and AIDS in the Classroom (2 Hours)
Attendees will learn to Distinguish between HIV and AIDS. Seminar will cover transmittal methods and how to protect children and staff from HIV / AIDS Infection, within the classroom. Confidentiality & The rights of Children and Families Affected BY HIV & AIDS will be discussed.
Multiple Intelligences (3 Hours)
The Advanced Level Training will focus on the different ways children learn and how educators can embrace those learning styles.
Overcoming Challenging Behavior (2 Hours)
Overcoming Challenging Behavior is a seminar each Early Childhood Educator needs in order to identify and prevent disruptive behavior. Seminar participants will learn techniques to reduce the Challenging Behavior, as well as be taught how to deal with the families of children displaying Challenging Behavior.
Program Schedules for Infants & Toddlers. Do Schedules Make A Difference? (2 Hours)
The outcome for participants attending this training session will teach them how to develop program schedules, and the importance of a scheduled environment. Participants will know how to provide scheduled activities from the moment the children arrive, until they are dismissed. Each participant will use interactive hands on approaches that encourage staff to learn from one another.
Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques (2 Hours)
The training will cover the art of stress management, and relaxation techniques. The participants will be empowered to take care of themselves and the children in their care. The seminar will cover stress management in the home, school, and work environments.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - What Is SIDS and The Risks Involved? (2 Hours)
The SIDS seminar will focus on the definition of SIDS, its causes, and how to prevent a SIDS situation in the classroom. Participants will be able to discuss the myths of SIDS as well as be taught how to respond if SIDS occurs in their childcare environment.
The Heartbeat 40 Hour Director's Training (40 Hours)
State Approved Training for Directors in Childcare Centers, Pre-Schools, & Family Based ECE Programs. Directors learn how to effectively run a child development environment.
Transportation in Childcare (2 Hours)
The training is designed to assist those in meeting the Bright From The Start rules and regulations as it pertains to Transportation in Childcare.
After registering for the classes of your choice, please bring the payment confirmation with you to the scheduled session. We enforce a strict attendance policy, and persons 15 minutes late will not be admitted. There are no refunds and sessions can only be rescheduled as long as a 24 hour notice is given. Additional Questions? Send an email and we will respond at our earliest convenience.
Working Within

Child Abuse...
What Is It?

the Classroom

Stress Management
& Relaxation Techniques


Marketing, Media, &
The Marketplace

120 Hours

RENEWAL - 45 Hours

Alternative Ways To Pay:

Child Sexual Abuse,
How To Spot It?

Supervision in an

Children At Play

Lesson Plans,
An Educator's

Disability, Special
Needs, & Inclusion

Gender Sensitivity in
the Classroom

Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS) & Risks Involved

Overcoming Challenging

Transportation in

Building Partnerships
to Support Families
Experiencing Homelessness

Embracing Social Media

American Red Cross
First Aid CPR AED
American Red Cross
First Aid CPR AED

Health I

Program Schedules for
Infants & Toddlers. Do
Schedules Make a Difference


Health & Safety
10 Hours

Business Etiquette

Health II

Early Reading


Director's Heartbeat
40 Hours

Family Child Care

Health III